Saturday, August 1, 2009

So now what?

I've always considered myself a mostly decent writer, a dilettante if you will. Deliberately starting a blog that nobody will read but myself is a bit of a stretch for me, but what the heck.

Getting this blog registered was definitely a challenge. First of all the captcha was unreadable; since I had no way of refreshing the silly thing I hit the little handicapped symbol, hoping it would be read out to me. Well, apparently the reader couldn't figure it out either; or else my computer was hijacked by aliens. It was staticky and there were several voices reading at once and I couldn't figure out a damn syllable. So I typed in what I THOUGHT it said, was wrong, but the second chance I had it was much easier to read.

Then came the time for me to choose my URL. And, to my shock, Ledalasvegas has been taken already!!! Now unless I started a blog a year ago and can't recall, somebody is using my stage name, the bitch. Lol. So my second choice, off the top of my head, was whostolemystagename. If nothing else, it should be relatively easy to remember! Or dismember. :)

So I spent my entire day at my ex-husband's house with my younger two children. My older two are spending the month at my mother's; they have one week to go. Now, let's completely bypass my mother's preference for my twins while pretty much ignoring my younger two (whom she thought should never have been conceived...nice Catholic wouldn't you say?)for a sec. Apparently she told my ex husband that she wanted my twins to live with her FULL TIME. In another state. With her creepy husband. Now I can appreciate her desire for a "do-over"...she royally screwed up with me...but the fact that she even thought this would be an okay thing to suggest makes me cold. Of course, she didn't suggest it to ME. She knows perfectly well that not only would I refuse, I would likely refuse to allow my twins long-term visitations ever again. I mean, WHAT was she thinking?!

Otherwise I had fun with the little ones, Adrian didn't irritate me TOO much, and it was a peaceful day. I would have liked to go out to karaoke this evening, but I'm broke. Too bad, so sad, perhaps one of these days I'll actually find a job that PAYS.

Tomorrow I am also off; I plan to go to the gym to run a few miles in furtherance of my marathon training and then go play with my kids again.

Why don't my children live with me? Well, that is a loooooong story and it isn't finished yet. Perhaps I will touch on it in a future blog. At the moment I'm home, I have no shows to rehearse for and no work for two more days. It should be relaxing...HAH.

1 comment:

  1. Welcome to Blog Land! ... and good luck... I always say I'm going to blog then lag about for ages... I'm still going through my life events from months ago... I can guarantee my blog is filled with bad writing, horrible grammar,worse spelling, and ...lots of "..." but occasionally a fun picture or two.

    good luck with your shows!
